Hist250 Opening

President Higgins performed the Opening of ‘Hist250’ in conversation with Dr John Bowman, an event celebrating the 250th anniversary of Trinity College’s Historical Society. As a university student, President Higgins was actively engaged in student debating. The President was given a preview of the Hist250 Long Room exhibition at the Trinity College Library.

Edmund Burke International Student Debate

The Hist hosted the Inaugural Edmund Burke International Debating Competition in the Public Theatre. Teams from North America, Europe, the UK and Ireland, competed over two days on prepared motions. The motion for the final was "This House Believes That Universities Are Failing Societies”.

Mr Justice George Birmingham, President of the Court of Appeal, chaired the judging panel alongside Ted Smyth (ex-Auditor), Marion Cameron (CEO Sipi Metals Corp.), Caitríona Ni Bhriain (TCD Hist Representative at the World Universities Debating Championship), and Kevin Brennan (Convener of the Irish Times IT Public Speaking Competition).

Prizes were awarded to Cora Keegan and Shane Sweeney (Team from UCD L&H) and Benjamin Hoffner-Brodsky (Individual from Harvard University).

The Future of These Islands

Panel One: Dr Katy Hayward (Queen's University Belfast), Rory Montgomery (Former Second Secretary General, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade), Matthew O’Toole (SDLP MLA & Former Downing Street Brexit Spokesperson), Martina Devlin (Author and Commentator)

Panel Two (Student Speakers): Olivia Brady (Pro-Censor of the College Historical Society), Leanne Brosnan (President of the European Youth Parliament Ireland), Tate Donnelly (Founder and Chair of Trinity Young Greens), Patrick McDonagh (Expert witness to the Seanad Public Consultation Committee Report on Travellers,), David Ola (Chief Scientist at PathoVi)

The Common Law Post Brexit

Keynote Address by the Chief Justice Frank Clarke on the Common Law Post-Brexit, chaired by the Rt Hon Donnell Deeny, Pro-Chancellor, and introduced by Dr Andrea Mulligan of TCD Law School.

Europe and the Future

In Collaboration with the IIEA

Europe and the Future conference, held in collaboration with the IIEA, in the Edmund Burke lecture Theatre. Opening Address by Taoiseach Leo Varadkar. Discussion with President Herman Van Rompuy, President Romano Prodi, Dr Catherine Day, chaired by David O’Sullivan. Second panel analysing the future direction of Europe on rule of law, migration and with Judith Sargentini, Shona Murray and Tony Barber, chaired by Dr Constantine Boussalis. The conference closed with a performance by Trinity Singers of the European Anthem, ‘Ode to Joy’.

Future of Global Development

Senator Ivana Bacik, Vice-President of The Hist chaired a stimulating evening of discussion on the future of Global Development. Professor Paul Collier (Oxford University) delivered a keynote address on the current problems facing capitalism, and Dr Jennifer Sheehy Skeffington (LSE) gave a response address drawing from the field of social psychology. In the second half, Professor Mary Robinson spoke about Climate Justice and Solidarity and introduced Kumi Naidoo, formerly head of Greenpeace and Amnesty International who delivered a rousing address on climate activism, and the need for an intersectional approach to climate action.

Portrait Unveiling

The unveiling of five major new portraits by Mick O’Dea RHA in the Hist Conversation Room, GMB, was chaired by Eugene Downes, Cultural Director of DFA. Mary Harney, Auditor in 1976, spoke about her experience in the Hist, as well as about the other four figures: Conor Cruise O’Brien, Frederick Boland, Owen Sheehy Skeffington, and Jaja Wachuku. The Nigerian Ambassador, Dr Uzo Emenike, spoke about the significance of Jaja Wachuku, who was the first Foreign Minister of Nigeria, being recognised by the Hist.

Gala Dinner

Chair: Luke Fehily, Auditor of the 250th Session

Toasts to Ireland, The Hist and Trinity College

“On me falls the honour to make the toast to the College Historical Society. A daunting honour if you went through your undergraduate years too much in awe of the rapier wits in the GMB.

And particularly daunting when you’re now surrounded by those wits, including auditors, medallists – and the president.”

Micheal O’Siadhail read his poem ‘Hist’.

Library Exhibition

On Friday evening the Chancellor of the University, Professor Mary McAleese launched Trinity College Dublin: The College Historical Society, Oratory and Debate 1770-2020 by Professor Patrick Geoghegan (Lilliput Press and Hinds) and the Hist250 exhibition. The Hist is grateful to Trinity Association & Trust for their generous support of both the Library Exhibition and the Book.

Highlights from the Hist archive, such as Edmund Burke’s minute book, a letter from Douglas Hyde, signatures of notable members such as Wolfe Tone, Edward Carson, and Oscar Wilde, medals, and photos of committees and guest speakers are just some of the records featured in the online exhibition. 

Partners & Supporters

The Hist250 Steering Committee would like to thank the Provost, College Administration, and our key partners for their steadfast and tremendous support of these ambitious celebrations, and the dedication they have shown in the promotion of the Hist. Particular tribute must be paid to the Committee of the 250th Session for their commendable service to the Society and its members.

The Hist gratefully acknowledges the support of: 

The Chancellor: Prof. Mary McAleese 

The Provost: Dr. Patrick Prendergast 

Director of Music: Dr Kerry Houston 

The College Chaplaincy 

Karl O’Connell and the Catering Department 

The Senior Common Room Committee and Staff

President’s Circle

Ian Ashe, Nkwachukwu Asonye, Dr Frank and Ivy Bannister, Judge George Birmingham, Marguerite Bolger, Judge Declan Budd, Marion A. Cameron in memory of Michael J. Cameron, James Connolly, Dr Patrick Cunningham and Tressan Scott, Sir Donnell Deeny, Judge Susan and Dr Brian Denham, Department of Foreign Affairs, Dr Donal and Paula Donovan, Eugene Downes, Bernard Dunleavy, Chris Fettes, James and Barry Fox, Andrew and Patricia Galligan, Dr Patrick Geoghegan, Christopher Haden, James Hamilton, Dr Mary Harney and Brian Geoghegan, David Hegarty, Robert Heron, Ross Hinds, Kim Humphreys, Neville Keery, Dr Declan Kiberd, Peter Ledbetter, Eric Lowry, Bill Maguire, Dr David McConnell, Alison McIntyre, Judge Brian R Murray, Kerida Naidoo, Naughton Foundation, Nwabueze Nwokolo, Mick O'Dea, Dr Hugh and Ann O'Neill, James Osakwe, Dr David O'Sullivan, Justice Alexander J Owens, Ursula Quill, Declan Sheehan, Doreen Shivnen, Ian Simons, Ted Smyth, Gully Stanford, Edward and Isabel Tinsley, Ciarán Toland, Peter White, Sir Brian Williamson, and Hugh Woodhouse

Auditor’s Circle

Dr Peter H Boyle, Dr Clive E Caldicott, Bishop Richard Clarke, Dr Aidan Clarke, Henry M Dockrell, Ruth M Doyle, Jennifer Flegg, Dr Robert F Foster, Hilary M Frazer, Pauline Goodbody, Walter R Grey, Dr Timothy R Jackson, William O Jacques, Dr Daniel L Kelly, Robert I Knight, Michael B Knott, Christopher Knox, Nicholas Koumarianos, Adrian Langan, Alan MacKenzie, Thomas Mawdsley, Sophia Millington-Ward, Brian F Murray, Thomas N Murtagh, Maurice J O'Connell, Donncha O'Shea, Dr Susan M Parkes, Mary E Pike, Dr Jean-Paul Pittion, Denis M Reeves, Marian Reeves, Richard D Reid, Patrick D Riddell, John W Shannon, Dr Francis E Sheehy Skeffington, Micheline Sheehy Skeffington, Richard S Sides, Anne-Marie Slattery, James C Smith, Jan R van Blankenstein, Michael P Voigt, Melissa D Webb, Dr Bryan R Wilkinson, Alwyn C Williams, and Dr Barbara Wright